Your Support is Our North Star.

On the way into the amphitheater you will find a Giving Tree, which bears the names of North Star Donors’ names on its leaves. If you look above the tree into the sky, that’s where the North Star sits above the hills. We celebrate and appreciate you, and all you do to make this place, and this experience, possible.

“Can one desire too much of a good thing?” Rosalind — As You Like It, Act IV, Scene 1.

We Appreciate Our North Star Donors

Aaron & Karen Glimme
Aaron Thorne
Abigail Dizon
Adam Miller
Adriane Bosworth
Alec Schaefer
Alex Madonik
Alicia Halperin JD
Amer Budayr
Andre Brito
Anita W Embleton
Ann K Willoughby
Anna Hines
Anthony Manzanetti
Ariel Weintraub
Arthur & Kristi Haigh
Ashley Dawn
Austen Wianecki-Wang
Barbara Alice Brenner Buder
Barbara Cohen
Barbara Oseroff
Barbara Sahm & Steven Winkel
Barry & Adriane Bosworth
Barry Schamach
Benedict Feinberg
Benjamin & Janet Riley
Beverly & Loring Wyllie
Beverly Glick
Bickel Family Gift Fund
Blair Jackson
Brett Weiner
Bridget Dobbins
Bruce Hayes
Brude Boer
Caitlin Keliiaa
Carl Brodsky
Carmel Zimmerman
Carol A Larson
Carol Cannon
Carol J Upshaw
Carol Page
Carolyn E Hudson
Catherine A. Owen MD
Cecilia Kilmartin
Chaplin Cole
Charlene & Larry Ferderber
Charmian Cohen
Cheryl Wilske
Christina Francis
Christine & Curtis Swanson
Christine Greene
Christopher Davis
Christopher Eastwood
Claire Roth
Claire Roth
Claudia Fenelon & Mark Schoenrock
Clive Worsley
Connor Day
Connor McCaslin
Craig Jones
Criselda Thorne
Daisy & Duke Kiehn
Dana Mathes
Danita Yocom
Danuta Zaroda
Darlene Plumtree
David Aaker
David Corson-Knowles
David Handsher
David K Smith
David S Petta
David Shapiro & Sharon Wheatley
Deborah Kimbrell
Debra Holtz
Deepika Nagabhushan
Denya S. Jur
Diane M. Wardin
Diane Moore
Dolores Morrison
Don Fujino
Donald B Worth
Donald Eismann
Donald R Proctor
Donald Tine
Douglas Straub
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sorenson
Dr. Alison Gopnik
Dr. Joan Sullivan
Dr. Stephen Asztalos
East Bay Community Foundation
Edward Cullen Jr.
Edward F Del Beccaro
Eileen Love
Eleanor Ortega
Elisabeth Houseman
Elise Geske
Eliska Jelinkova
Elissa Accardo
Elizabeth Ann DeJarnatt
Elizabeth Biasca
Elizabeth Bremer
Elizabeth Schweinsberg
Elizabeth St. Aubin
Ellen & Joffa Dale
Emily Burkett
Erin Brady
Esther Hudes
Fara Vazinpour
Francesca Cervantes
Francie Connelly
Fred Schein
Gail De Bellis
Gail Maderis
George & Kathleen Wolf
George P. Haley
Gerard Biernat
Gilbert Anda
Gordon Getty
Greg Ratkovsky & Kate Darling
Gregg & Ruth Gorrin
Gwen & James Evans
H Victoria Welsh
Harriet Sollod
Heather Bradley Ball
Heather Douglas
Heather McCall
Heidi Triay
J Robert Logan
Jack & Maribel Fraser
Jackson Leonard
Jahahara Alkebulan-Ma’at
Janet & Dennis Mulshine
Janet BakerMeri & Steven McCoy Thompson
Jason Townsend
Jean Schoenfield
Jeanne Colbert
Jeannie Simpson
Jed Waldman
Jen Geiger Longman & Benjamin Longman
Jennifer N Nixon
Jennifer Navarro-Marroquin
Jessica Ivry
Jessica Powell
Jewish Community Foundation
Jim & Nita Roethe
Johanna Metzgar
John & Sandra McGonigle
John P Atwood
John Ruskin
John Tait
John Wallace
Joseph Varnadore
Josh Cohen
Joyce Hawkins & Jack Sweitzer
Judith Hoff Brooks
Judith Lamberti
Judith Roberts
Karen E Austin
Karen Karten & Art Dell

Karen McNeill
Karen S. Holtermann
Karlin M. Sorenson
Kate Black
Kate H Godfrey
Kate Stechschulte & David Cost
Katherine A Morris
Kathleen & Clark Streeter
Kathleen Darling & Greg Ratkovsky
Kathleen Derrig
Kathleen S Korpell
Kathryn G Mulkey
Kathryn Thornbury
Kathy Oneto
Katie & Kathleen Karlin
Katrina J Staten
Kayla Moreno
Kenneth B Cohen
Kim Crane
Kim Jennings
Kim Jordan in Honor of Rosalyn Jordan
Kirsten Sawyer
Latika Malkani
Laura Fichtenberg
Laura Nunez-Galleno
Laurie P Philips
Lawrence Jensen
Lawrence Livermore Lab
Lena McDivitt
Leslie M Radin
Lila Abdul-Rahim
Linsey Sutherland
Lisa & Steven Ruderman
Lisa Larkin
Lucia Kanter St Amour
Lyn Lazar
Lyndsy Kail
Lynn Sherard-Stuhr
Margaret Yardley
Maria Dorado
Maria K Pratt
Mark & Jacqueline Berkman
Mark & Teri Logan
Martin & Charlene Bell
Martin Johnson
Mary Ann Wight
Mary Williamson
Maura Kelley
McRoskey Mattress Company of San Francisco
Mel Greenlee & Tommas Tompkins
Melissa Viola Eitzel Solera
Michael Fitzhugh
Michael H Zischke
Michael Merola
Michael Rawski
Mimi Lou
MJ Stephens & Bernard Tagholm
Monica Salusky & John Sutherland
Monique Ivan
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A L’Esperance
Muriel Fitzgerald Wilson
Murray Cohen
Mustafa Odcikin
Nicolas Makhoul
Nina Dale
Nina Shen Rastogi
Noah Pilchen
Olivia Loupe
Pam Davison
Patricia Busk
Patricia Munro
Paul A Renard
Peter Smith
Phil & Chris Chernin
Precious Athena Padua
Rachel Pledger
Rahul Gupta
Ralph & Diana Davisson
Randi J Miller
Raquel Duque de Estrada
Reetta Raag
Remy Hathaway
Rena & Spencer Fulweiler
Richard & Barbara Bennett
Richard & Daphne Bertero
Richard Bertero
Richard Holden
Richard S Friedman
Robert & Priscilla Rich
Robert S Spears
Ronald Rogness
Ruth Mankin
Ryan Null
Sally Ann & Eric Fonstein
San Francisco Foundation
Sandra Ady
Sandy Barnett
Schwab Charitable
Sharon Keeton
Sharon Simpson
Sharon Young
Sofia Ahmad
Sonya Wilson
Sora O’Doherty
Stephanie W Mooers
Stephen Kestler
Steve & Tish Harwood
Steve Collins
Steve Matuszak
Stuart Robinson
Sunne & John McPeak
Susan & William Couch
Susan & Willy Mautner
Susan Rosenblatt
Susan Suffel
Susie Falk & York Kennedy
Teresa Countryman
Terry Atlas
Thanh Khong
The Arthur Rock Fund
Therese Toomey
Thomas C Moore
Thomas J Owen
Thomas Lederer
Thomas Stack
Todd & Pamela Lane
Toni Raymus
Tristan A Cunningham
TWANDA Foundation
Uday Rajanna
Valarie Mark Kalb
Vanguard Charitable
Victoria Larson
Victot K Fujii
Virginia Fontana
Virginia Thomson
William Ostrander
William Roberts
Winston Tharp
Yifan Wang
Zendaya via Women Donors Network

There are many ways to contribute to Cal Shakes and the Bruns, and help create a place for the performing arts in the Bay Area that is like no other. Please check out the options below! And, THANK YOU.

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Join the Legacy Circle

Pass your appreciation of theater on to future generations by including Cal Shakes in your wills or estate plan. Contact our team at

Gifts of Stock

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